Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Day of JOY!

A few days ago I noticed that it was time for our Algebra 2 teachers to teach conic sections.  I noticed the Conic Cards, which I first introduced to students about 10 years ago, we're being used in several classrooms.  I haven't taught Algebra 2 for 2 years and teaching Conics is what I miss the most!  I have now sent the Conic Cards to 26 states and abroad!  I never hear from most teachers who use them, but today I did!  One of the teachers in my building sent this very kind email.

     I'm just completing another successful year of teaching conics thanks to your brilliant invention of Conic Cards.  Just looking around the room today as students review, I'm so pleased to see how involved most of the students are.  Several are sitting on the floor matching cards for practice.  Others are working on the review worksheet and I'm hearing good learning going on as they discuss how to tell which direction a parabola opens or how to graph an ellipse given the equation.  It really is amazing to see how much they have learned and even better, how motivated they are. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

It feels great to know that I have impacted student learning in classrooms of students who I have never met and probably will not ever meet!  I am thrilled beyond belief!!!


  1. I'm using them for the second time, and I can't say enough good things about them! We are currently studying quadratic functions in Algebra 2. So, I'm having my students just pick out the parabolas and sort them. Our next unit will be over conic sections. So, we will cover the hyperbolas, ellipses, and circles in a few weeks.

    Today was our first day to get them out, and my students loved them. Well, most of them did. I had a few students who didn't really want to do any thinking, and they struggled and complained a lot. This year, I'm creating interactive notebook pages with all of the conic card information on them.

    Conic cards empower my students to take control of their own learning. And, I'm continually amazed by the students who hate algebra with a passion but fall in love with conic sections. They're a definite favorite in my classroom. Thanks!

  2. I would love to see these cards ... going to teach conics soon ...
    Are you still sharing the cards? elizabeth_ferguson at roundrockisd dot org

    1. I have sent you the conic cards and all the additional files. Let me know if you don't receive them or have questions.

  3. I would also love to see these cards, if you're still sharing! abarker at latexoisd dot net

    1. I have sent you the conic cards and all the additional files. Let me know if you don't receive them or have questions.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am working on conics with my algebra 2 and would love your conic cards. I have seen them all over the internet! Thanks! lauren.johnson at

  6. I would really love to use your conics cards as well! I am very excited about the idea - especially for my "tuned out" Algebra 2 students! I contacted you by email, but am very eager to get them cut and laminated in time to lesson plan accordingly :) Sorry to bother you again - are you still sharing?? Thanks!

    a.carden at

  7. I would love to see those cards (I am getting ready to start conic sections) if you are still sharing them.

  8. may I please see these conic cards as well? They sound amazing!

  9. I would love to use your conic cards this year if you are still sharing.

  10. can I get a copy of your conic cards. I am teaching conics and haven't ever taught conics before. I would like my students to have a good experience. thanks.

  11. If you are being so kind as to share the conics cards, could I get a copy, please? I use sorting cards for other topics and would like to find some for conics too.

  12. I would also be interested in trying your conic cards, may I please have a copy of the file? Thank you so much!

  13. Clearly your cards are in high demand! Thanks for creating and sharing this resource with other teachers. I would love to use them as well in my Alg2 classroom. Thanks in advance for your generosity.

  14. Would it be possible to get a copy of the conic cards? We are just starting this unit and i have not had to teach conics in a very long time. Thanks in advance.

  15. Would it be possible to put these up as a sharable Google document?

  16. I would also love a copy of your conic cards unit. Thanks so much!
    email: msather @

  17. I would also love to have these! They look incredible! Thanks so much!

  18. Hi and thank you for sharing! I would love a copy of the conic cards and the rational function placement - fantastic ideas! My email address is, I am a math teacher in Virginia

  19. I am arriving via Math = Love blogger Sarah Hagan. I am a new math teacher in WA state and would love to also get the conic cards and the rational placemat. My email is

    Thank you for all the thought and hard work you put into the resources and your willingness to share so that we can help our kids to do their best!

    Lisa Massey

  20. Hi Cindy,

    If you're still willing to share, I'd love a copy of your Conic Cards also! I've been using matching/sorting cards for trig and calc for years, and I can't believe I never thought of using them for conics too! Thank you so much!



  21. For Conic Cards, please go to the link below. Look under Saturday My Favorites for Conics. The end of the presentation slides has the link to my google drive with all that Conic Cards and supporting files. Please let me know if there are any issues with the downloads.

    Also, please take note of the other activities on the Twitter Math Camp website listed below. Also, on the right side of Twitter Math Camp site, you can scroll down to any of the Morning sessions to get a LOT more activities!!! There is an additional conic activity on the Pre-Calculus morning session at the very bottom of the page "edited assignment - Folding conics"

    1. I would love access to your conic cards but I can't get the link to work. Are you still willing to share?

    2. Of course!! If you can't cut, paste and open this site, email me.

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